Frequently asked questions.
First Consultation Appointment
The first consultation appointment is extremely important as much of what happens during the entire surgical experience is determined at this meeting. When you schedule your first consultation appointment with Dr Mark Meyer our friendly receptionist will ask you to provide our office with the following minimum information: ID document of the patient, referral letter, Reason for seeking consultation, latest acceptable x-rays and medical aid/insurance details.
Please arrive few minutes early for your first consultation appointment because some documents must be completed and you might require some imaging of your face to be taken. All these are required to provide you with best possible care. Dr Mark Meyer performs all consultations personally and will gladly answer all your clinical questions. Our qualified staff will assist with all your administrative questions e.g. medical aid reimbursement cover and all related surgical cost.
The consultation appointment is the most important time spent between the doctor, staff and patient. We understand that you might be nervous when it comes to talking to someone about your surgical concerns but please RELAX!! – This is what we specialise in and we will assist you through your surgical journey. Feel free to bring your spouse or friend along to support you during your first consultation appointment.
Your first consultation appointment is to find out your main concern and how we can assist you with it. Most of the procedures in Facial and Oral Surgery require authorization prior to surgery, therefore is unlikely that your procedure will be performed on the same day as your first consultation appointment. You will receive an cost estimate after the first consultation and all relevant documents for you to apply for reimbursement.
FEE Estimates
We frequently receive requests for fee estimates. The cost of a procedure will be discussed with the patient after a consultation and thorough examination. This ensures that the patients are not misguided by telephonic estimates because no two patients are the same and prices can vary among patients for similar conditions.
Dr Mark Meyer individualize and tailor each operation to the patient and will provide a customized quote after the first consultation appointment. The patient is under no obligation to accept the quote, but at least the patient will have realistic expectations of the requested procedure.